Masters of Territory are developing new tools for environment and landscape management

A colorful sunrise, the greatest way to begin  a new day of the “Masters of Territory”.



P1040001Asti was waking up when we planned a new session of the module on Environmental and Landscape Management System. Today’s program was quite challenging.

Students were asked to work on this topic: “How can Scatol8® be helpful to Masters of Territory?”. The final result that students are asked to achieve consists of a project of a system which complies with Scatol8®’s guidelines, precisely described in functionalities, sensors and actuators and… dress.

A three steps journey, based on as many questions, has been planned in order to reach the goal, within next week. Who? What? How? In fact, the overall tricky question finds an answer when you have a clear view on the content of this new professional figure: Who is the Master of Territory? In other words, what is the vision that students have of their new position?

In order to fulfill the task, making it possible a production of more then one Scatol8® for Masters, the class has been splitted into three groups. Each students has been asked to share her/his view with the team. One rule: no criticism allowed (as you clearly see in the pictures of the group made up by Nicola Solimeo, Mariella RizzottiMonica ChiabrandoMilena Molinari, Bianca Viotti).




Another promising group sees Chiara Cerrato, Marianna Di ModicaStefania TosoElisa Metelli (linked via WhatsApp) working together. If you look at their profiles it will be clear the amazing proposal they can prepare. For sure, every expectation will be far outstripped!








Simona BrinoSimona Codrino and Serena Montani are engaged in an in-depth exploration of Masters of Territory competences, and are focusing their interests on traditional productions of Monferrato.







At the end of this session, three key concepts describe activities carried on by Masters of Territory, with the help of Scatol8®.


Next time, answers to the questions “What?” and “How?” will be presented: What is Scatol8® useful for, in the framework of these visions? How can Scatol8® be designed in order to satisfy Masters’needs?

Are you burning with curiosity, aren’t you?

Stay tuned!