A new tutorial on Slideshare for the Master Course in Business Administration

At the opening of the II semester of the Master in Business Administration of the University of Turin, we prepared a new tutorial to give students an idea of the areas covered by the course in Safety, Quality and Environment Management.

In recent years we have used the exercises contained in the book “Scatol8: A Path To Sustainability“, mainly aimed at identifying and managing environmental aspects:

Un’insalata mista? Nooo, una niçoise! – A mixed salad? Better a niçoise!
Mi faccio un panino – I make myself a sandwich
Buono come il pane – As good as bread
Un caffè? – Would you like a coffee?
La Nutella fatta in casa – Homemade Nutella

This year, the offer expands with  Let’s start the day with an orange juice!SQE_RB_S8_ORANGE_JUICE.001

The tutorial has been prepared with the collaboration of Dr. Tiziana Gentile.

It is geared to raising students’ awareness in issues of quality, safety and environmental management, in relation to the various operational dimensions. The friendly aspect, favored by pleasant graphics and a visual approach, lends itself to quantitative insights, starting from daily experience to reach the advantages deriving from the introduction of a remote sensing network within the company context.

The course “Safety, Quality and Environment Management” is structured in 35 hours, during which knowledge is provided for the design of an integrated SQE management system.

We will start from the illustration of the initial analysis, during which the aspects relating to quality, safety and the environment will be highlighted, to then illustrate the structure of the document system and move on to writing the procedures and operating instructions. The course setting, decidedly oriented towards practical aspects, foresees the reference to business cases, to become aware of how integrated management allows to rationalize daily operations with gains in efficiency and effectiveness.