Scatol8® at the Master in Food and Beverage Sustainable Entrepreneurship

Tomorrow, the story of Scatol8 will be shared with the students of the Master in “Food and Beverage Sustainable Entrepreneurship”, in Torino.

This is the First International Postgraduate Degree set up through the cooperation of three excellent Universities: SAA School of Management (Turin), London South Bank University (London) and Abat Oliba CEU (Barcelona).


Sustainability, innovation, entrepreneurship and food and beverage are issues strictly related to the vision and mission of Scatol8, which have been studied and practiced through a bunch of projects, objects and events. Riccardo Beltramo, creator and founder of Lo Scatol8 per la Sostenibilità, will illustrate the benefits of using the remote sensing system in Life Cycle Thinking management tools.

