New projects with schools come to life: We invest in education to sustainable development

Lo Scatol8® in una classeNew projects with schools come to life. Education to Sustainability is made available through the Scatol8® system, in different forms, depending on the level of scholastic institutions, from primary schools to university.

The system collects information and, therefore, it is a support to knowledge, that every teacher can use in her/his own operational context and in coherence with the aims of training programs.

Scatol8® is a concrete example of how the Internet of Things is helpful. At the center is the individual: student, teacher, and the teacher-student relationship, which is essential to the formation of culture.

Our systems are custom made, realized after agreeing with the teachers on variables (and, therefore, which sensors) that can be more useful to support their task. Over time, Scatol8®system evolves. You can add or replace sensors, involve new classes, expand the network, change the dashboard (Crusc8), invent new exercises to improve the booklet “A School with Scatol8®“.

Schools are a ever-changing environment: teachers, students, programs change and educational visions and media as consequence, too. A modular system is able to accommodate changes and adapt. When you work with Schools, it may happen that the Scatol8® is used and then set aside for organizational changes and substitutions in the faculty. Data, however, continue to be detected and new teachers have at their disposal a capital of recordings, which is continuously updated, and that they can turn into knowledge. This is what has happened at the Sant’Anna School of Chieri, a historical institution founded in 1847, which has suffered in the recent past, the organizational changes and now returns to employ the system, installed in 2013 and operational for all 2014.

Here’s the new Crusc8. The new graphic, derived from the webapp “Scatol8® at Colle Don Bosco”, facilitates readability with smartphones and other handheld devices.


For example, the figure shows the energy consumption of the Computer Laboratory, registered from October 1, 2013 to March 30, 2014. Other variables measured by Sant’Anna Scatol8®  Systems are the temperature and humidity of the Computer Lab, the Recreation area and the Refectory, where the weight of food waste has been measured, too.


The knowledge that comes from university teaching and academic research are made ​​available to schools who engage with us. Participation of Scatol8® Team to training sessions makes concrete the knowledge fall-out, and adapt it to the needs, always different, of users.

Proposals by teachers push us to make devices that serve new functions. 

L1016845With the Dominican Sisters of Testona (Moncalieri) Primary School we have laid the foundation for a new educational project, that will keep us busy on the front of the actuators. An institution founded in 1804, today actively engaged in nationwide projects, designed and conducted by brilliant Teachers.

The path sensor -> microcontroller -> actuator opens countless educational possibilities. In primary school, pupils are encouraged in the observation of elements (water, earth, air) and led to the understanding of relationships. In the secondary school (first or second degree), the path sensor -> microcontroller -> actuator provides stimuli in various disciplines: in the field of physics, the concept of action and reaction; of mathematics, nonlinear functions; ecology, the carrying capacity and resilience; the economy, the economic value of resources, externalities, etc …

For Scatol8® Team, new demands mean new devices to achieve, consistent with the guidelines, able to integrate with the system. We plan activities and face new challenges, as true makers, working with materials, equipments, hardware and software to meet new needs.

The satisfaction of teachers, students and their families is our goal because through projects, built together, we can instill the principles of Sustainable Development and you learn while having fun. 

These projects are supported by Scatol8® Team, benefit from the work of teachers, and support actions to “develop the full potential of children as students, but, mainly, as individuals, to lead them to be men of tomorrow, aware and responsible future citizens.”