Scatol8® diffusion simulated in NetLogo environment

On July 2nd,  a session on Communication, simulation and qualification standards has been coordinated by Antonella Bachiorri (University of Parma) at 8th World Environmental Education Congress.

Riccardo Beltramo (WEEC_certificate) presented a paper on Scatol8® system for Education on Sustainability. Design and implementation of a Simulation model to empower its diffusion, whose co-authors are Licia Gallo and Paolo Cantore.

The agent based model simulates the spread of Scatol8® system amongst the schools of 4 provinces in Piedmont. Provinces involved in the simulation are Biella, Novara, Turin and Vercelli. The choice fell on these four because of the location of schools already involved in the previous workshop A Scuola con lo Scatol8®.

WEEC (1).001

Schools potentially affected by the spread are those belonging to the istituti comprensivi, therefore the nursery (866), the primary (870) and junior secondary schools (294), 2,030 overall.

Simulations have been carried through setting up four scenarios, whose assumptions are reported below:

Membership contact


Sponsor contact


Internet contact


Contact through the “grapevine”


A discussion on results is included in the paper that now is under rewiew. Here, you can find a pdf version of the presentation. For any questions, please write an email to: